What is a Camera?

What is a Camera?
Nuts and Bolts
Basics of Digital Photography - Level 1
Do you love the Art of Photography?
Do you admire the Camera in your hand?
Have you wanted to move away from the curse of the AUTO buttons?
Give Me a 'Day of Your time' and I will make you a Better Photographer!
Equipping yourself with the Basics of Digital Photography' is crucial for learning about the potent device you hold in your hands!

Date : February 2025 (TBA)
Approach: 3 Modules - Theory (Day 1) + Practical's
(Day 2) + Image Review (online)
Duration : 8.30AM - 4PM (day 1) +
7.30 - 10.30AM (day 2)
Fees : 6,800/- (inc of 3 modules, course content & taxes)
Venue : Student Premise for Theory
Place for practical's (will be decided)